City of Boston Regulations re: Snow and Ice Removal!

Snow and Ice Removal on Sidewalks in Boston
City of Boston Regulations re:  Snow and Ice Removal
Clearing your sidewalks after snow and/or ice accumulation is not only a good idea, but there are also City of Boston regulations which required it.
Boston property owners must:
  • Clear sidewalks and curb ramps within three hours after it stopped snowing or within 3 hours after sunrise if it snowed overnight. Sidewalks include the walkway in front of and/or the side of your building and the walkway from the front door to the street;
  • Don’t shovel or push snow into the street;
  • Cleared pathways should be forty-two inches or wider;
  • Remove ice to bare pavement or make as level as possible and treat with sand, sawdust, or similar material. This includes ice which results from water originating from downspouts. If possible all ice should be removed.
There are fines ranging from $50 to $200 per day depending on whether it is a residential or commercial building and the number of units in the building. You may want to consider hiring a professional snow removal firm if you are unable to clear your sidewalks with the residents of your building. You can also report any buildings which do not remove their snow/ice, to the 311 line at City Hall. (311 is available 24 hours a day.)
For complete information on snow removal regulations in Boston, go to: